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Risk Manag Healthc Policy ; 16: 93-100, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2224604


Purpose: This research aimed to observe the gap for improvement in dengue vector control during COVID-19, considering two stakeholders: the government and society. We formulated two research questions: 1) How is the government managing dengue vector control during the COVID-19 pandemic? 2) What is the situation of dengue disease, its vectors, and vector control in the community? Methods: This study uses multiple approaches: policy review, social listening using Twitter analysis, and interviews. A policy review was employed to capture the journey of dengue vector control in Indonesia from dengue found in Indonesia until the COVID-19 pandemic. Twitter data captured public opinions through social media about dengue and vector control. Interviews involved program implementers that consider knowing the situation in the field of dengue and its vector control. The informant was selected through purposive sampling. Results: To control dengue disease, the Indonesian government has released regulations about dengue vector control that adjusts the COVID-19 situation, but vector control is still not running optimally, resulting in the data supply for policy not running well. Conclusion: Dengue cases continued during the COVID-19 pandemic, even in some places stated an outbreak occurred. Vector control does not work correctly during the COVID-19 pandemic due to social restrictions. It is recommended to encourage the implementation of community empowerment through one house, one jumantik, which is equipped with self-reporting to mitigate and respond to similar situations as the pandemic.

LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ; 5(1):140-146, 2021.
Article in Indonesian | Indonesian Research | ID: covidwho-1645723


Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Bangkit merupakan sebuah unit usaha yang didirikan oleh organisasi Kreatif dan Wisata Lokal yang ada di Desa Ngoro-oro. UKM Bangkit memiliki unit usaha kuliner berupa keripik dari sayuran olahan singkong olahan pisang dan olahan potensi lokal lainnya serta unit pariwisata. UKM Bangkit dibentuk untuk mewadahi kelompok produktif di Desa Ngoro-oro dengan harapan dapat saling mendukung untuk menguatkan ekonomi masyarakat di era kenormalan baru COVID-19. Tujuan: Membangkitkan kembali perekonomian di Desa Ngoro-oro yang terdampak selama pandemi COVID-19 baik dari pemasaran manajerial modal optimalisasi pemasok bahan baku pembuatan produk pembuatan jejaring pemasaran serta pelatihan Protokol K3 COVID-19 dan risikonya dalam menjalankan aktivitas ekonomi di era adaptasi COVID-19. Metode: Program UKM Bangkit ini dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama antara tim pengusul mahasiswa dan mitra (Pemerintah Desa Ngoro-oro). Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan pelatihan motivasi berwirausaha penyuluhan Adaptasi COVID-19 di sektor ekonomi dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk membuat sistem jejaring produsen pemasok bahan baku dan pemasaran. Program terjadwal selama tiga bulan dari Oktober-Desember 2020. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan Hibah UKM Indonesia Bangkit 2020 yang didanai oleh RISTEK-BRIN. Hasil: Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di Desa Ngoro-oro menghasilkan terbentuknya UKM Bangkit yang dikelola oleh masyarakat di tingkat desa. Dengan adanya potensi bahan baku yang ada di Desa Ngoro-oro mampu dimanfaatkan menjadi makanan yang dapat dijual di sekitar wilayah Desa Ngoro-oro serta sebagai pendukung bidang kuliner Desa wisata Ngoro-oro. UKM Bangkit menyediakan jejaring beberapa toko/warung yang bisa digunakan untuk menitipkan barang dagangannya di sekitar Patuk Gunungkidul. Dampak: Masyarakat menjadi lebih bersemangat untuk berkegiatan di Era Adaptasi COVID-19 masyarakat bisa kembali produktif dengan adanya kegiatan di UKM Bangkit serta dapat menambah penghasilan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Objek wisata, UKM, Kuliner, COVID-19, Adaptasi “Bangkit” Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) is a business unit established by the Creative and Local Tourism organization in Ngoro-oro Village Gunungkidul District. UKM Bangkit has a culinary business unit in the form of chips from vegetables, cassava bananas and other local potentials and a tourism unit. UKM Bangkit was developed to accommodate productive groups in Ngoro-oro with an expectation to support each other aimed to strengthen the community economy in the new era of COVID-19. To revive the economy in Ngoro-oro Village which was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic “ in term of marketing managerial capital optimization of suppliers of raw materials for product manufacture creation of marketing networks training on the COVID-19 health protocol and the risks involved in carrying out economic activities in the era of COVID-19 adaptation. Methods: The UKM Bangkit program is implemented in collaboration between the team students and partners (Ngoro-oro Village Government). The method used to reach the aim is entrepreneurial motivation training counseling on COVID-19 adaptation in the economic sector and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to create a network system for producers, suppliers of raw materials and marketing. The program is scheduled for three months from October to December 2020. This community service is part of the 2020 grant namely Bangkit Indonesia Bangkit for UKM that is funded by RISTEK-BRIN. Result: The activities carried out in Ngoro-oro Village resulted in the formation of UKM Bangkit which was managed by the community at the village level. With the potential for the existing raw materials in Ngoro-oro Village it can be used as food that can be sold around the Ngoro-oro Village area and as a supporter of the culinary field of the Ngoro-oro tourism village. UKM Bangkit provides a network of several shops that can be used to deposit their merchandise around Patuk Gunungkidul. Impact: The community becomes more enthusiastic about doing activities in the COVID-19 adaptation era. The community can return to productivity with the activities at UKM Bangkit and can increase people's income. Keywords: Tourism, UKM, Culinary, COVID-19, Adaptation